Chapter History
Page eight The Albuquerque Morning Journal Tuesday, February 21, 1905
A local chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution will be organized in this city on the afternoon of Washington's birthday, February 22nd, at the home of Mrs. J.H. Wroth, corner of Fifth street and Copper avenue. All ladies receiving notice of their acceptance into the national society are urgently requested to be present at 3 o'clock, for the chapter name is to be decided upon and officers will be elected for the ensuing year.

Friday, February 24, 1905 The Albuquerque Morning Journal Page Seven
Announcing their intention to organize a charter, fourteen women gathered to declare their officers-elect and choose a name for their chapter. The officers named on that first day in 1905 were:
Regent – Mrs. M.J. Borden
Vice Regent – Mrs. J.H. Wroth
Chaplain – Mrs. Stevens
Recording Secretary – Miss Brown
Corresponding Secretary – Mrs. B.S. Rodey
Treasurer – Mrs. Ray
Registrar – Mrs. Felix Lester
Historian – Mrs. Winston

1905 Albuquerque; 2nd & Silver
Palace of the Governors Photo Archives